Thursday, January 24, 2019

Body Language for a Job Interview

Body movement is a way to determine a person's character. To determine what kind of movements are vital for interviews, we spoke to body language expert

1. Sit all the way back in your seat.
It's  an automatic signal of assurance and confidence.

2. Don't go for direct eye contact.
A more effective way to ensure you look interested and engaged is to look different parts of someone's face every two seconds, rotating from eyes, to nose, to lips, so you're never just drilling into the interviewer's eyes.

3. Use hand gestures while speaking.
Keeping your hands hidden can be misinterpreted as distrustful behavior. Show your palms; when your palms are up, it signals honesty and engagement. The brain picks up the positivity, which will make the interviewer comfortable.  

4. Plant your feet on the ground.
Planted feet can help you go between creative thought and highly complex rational thought.

5. Work on your walk.
Interviewers often make a hiring judgment within the first 10 seconds of meeting you. How you walk into the room is a part of that judgment.

6. Nod your head while listening.

Career experts have long analyzed body movement as a way to determine a person's character. To determine what kind of movements are vital for interviews, we spoke to body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass, who writes about these kinds of tips in her book The Body Language AdvantagePatti Wood, a body language expert and author of SNAP — Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma, and Tonya Reiman, a body language expert whose latest book was 2012's The Body Language of Dating.

Taken from mashable

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