Monday, June 30, 2014

Infinitives with and without to

The infinitive can be used with or without to. Infinitives used with ‘to’ are called to-infinitives and infinitives used without ‘to’ are called bare infinitives.

Complete the following sentences using an infinitive.
1. I want ………………. a letter.
a) write
b) to write
2. I ought ………………… a letter.
a) to have written
b) have written
3. You should ……………….. a doctor.
a) have consulted
b) to have consulted
4. I can ………………… a strange sound.
a) hear
b) to hear
c) hearing
5. I could ……………….
a) have won
b) to have won
6. I will …………….. what I like.
a) say
b) to say
7. The boys must ………………. the rules.
a) obey
b) to obey
8. You need not …………………
a) go
b) to go
c) going
9. He dare not …………………
a) refuse
b) to refuse
10. She didn’t dare …………….. anything.
a) say
b) to say
c) saying
11. We need two months ………………….. the work.
a) to complete
b) complete
c) completing
12. I bade him …………………..
a) come
b) to come
c) coming

click here to check your answers

1. I want to write a letter.
2. I ought to have written a letter.
3. You should have consulted a doctor.
4. I can hear a strange sound.
5. I could have won.
6. I will say what I like.
7. The boys must obey the rules.
8. You need not go.
9. He dare not refuse.
10. She didn’t dare to say anything.
11. We need two months to complete the work.
12. I bade him come.


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